On August 18, 2016, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium Safety Day was held in Astrakhan with the participation of CPC General Director Nikolai Gorban, First Deputy Minister of Industry, Transport and Natural Resources of the Astrakhan Region Rustam Khalitov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CPC – R JSC, President of Chevron Neftegaz Inc Andrew Mcgran, CPC top managers and representatives of the Consortium Shareholders' companies.
The participants of the competitions and contests for knowledge of safety techniques were specialists of the CPC Operation Department and six teams from contractors of the Expansion Project – LLC "Transneftestroy", CJSC "Trust "Koksokhimmontazh", LLC "Velesstroy", LLC "Stroynovatsiya", LLC "Contact-S", group "SuiS" (Control and communication Systems).

Welcoming the participants and guests of the event, CPC General Director Nikolay Gorban stressed that special attention is paid to compliance with standards in the field of industrial safety and labor protection when performing work within the framework of the Expansion Project. He noted that the Consortium always adheres to the highest standards and uses only the best international experience in the field of production safety.
Competitions were held in the following areas - fire-medical, knowledge of labor protection rules, safety and traffic safety rules, environmental, ingenuity and skills.

The participants were able to show their creativity and creativity during the amateur art competition, at which each team presented a pre-prepared number on the topic of safety at home. The team of CJSC "Trust "Koksokhimmontazh" took the honorable second place according to the results of the competition.
At the award ceremony, the specialists who showed their knowledge and skills better than others received valuable prizes and, once again, proved that they have excellent knowledge in this area and that safe work is the main task and goal of all participants in the Expansion Project at all facilities.