The production of Koksokhimmontazh-Volga was visited by honorary workers of the Yaroslavl region

 Last week, honorary employees, former directors of industrial enterprises of the Yaroslavl region visited the plant for the production of metal structures "Koksokhimmontazh-Volga". Now they are on well-deserved rest, and in Soviet times they played a huge role in the development of the region.
 The delegation got acquainted with the full production cycle of KHM-Volga and visited factory workshops and laboratories. Recently, the company completed a large-scale multi-year reorganization of production. Volumes and quality have increased, the range of products has significantly expanded and, accordingly, the number of jobs, working conditions have improved.
 "Modernization always involves, first of all, the transition to modern equipment: many new machines have been purchased. In addition, in addition to the equipment, a large–scale reorganization of the enterprise itself was carried out - good living conditions were created for employees, showers were made, the enterprise was gasified, the workshops became warm," says Valery Zemskov, director of KHM-Volga.
 The participants noted the high level of production, excellent working conditions and care for the employees of the plant.