The Cryogaz-Vysotsk LNG plant sent 2 million tons of gas
A 2-millionth ton of liquefied natural gas (LNG) was shipped from the medium-tonnage LNG project "Cryogaz-Vysotsk", built with the participation of the Trust Koksokhimmontazh. The jubilee ton of LNG was shipped to the Coral Energizer gas tanker.
The Cryogaz-Vysotsk LNG plant became NOVATEK's first medium-tonnage plant. Its capacity is 660 thousand tons per year, the infrastructure also includes an LNG storage tank with a capacity of 42 thousand cubic meters. m and a shipping berth capable of receiving tankers with a cargo capacity of up to 30 thousand cubic meters.
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«Криогаз-Высоцк» отправил 2-миллионную тонну СПГ (