
Trust Koksokhimmontazh took part in the creation of a new gas infrastructure at the Novoportovskoye field

the construction of the main infrastructure facilities of the gas processing plant at the Novoportovsky NGCM Gazprom Neft has been completed

December 24, 2021
Mosstroy Winter Cup 2021

a New Year's Eve mini-football tournament was held

December 20, 2021
A sulfuric acid production plant with a capacity of 1.1 million tons per year has been launched

the installation of SK-3300 was carried out by Russian builders

November 29, 2021
The construction of the Harbin oil and gas condensate field has been completed

the work was carried out in 18 months in the most difficult Arctic conditions

November 19, 2021
The autumn clean-up took place in "KHM-Novorossiysk"

The team carried out landscaping of the territory

November 15, 2021
Coke was obtained at the second unit coke battery No. 11 in Cherepovets

Fifty-six new furnaces will significantly increase coke production

October 26, 2021
Uralmetallurgmontazh congratulated veterans of production on the day of the elderly

More than 150 labor veterans attended the meeting

October 4, 2021
Barnaul Metallurgmontazh expands its product range

The production of technological pipeline supports has been launched in Barnaul

September 23, 2021
Landscaping in Cherepovets

Employees of the Cherepovets enterprise carried out works on improvement

September 21, 2021
